Monday 22 March 2010

You are my God (Poem)

Let me preface this: I don't really write poems. It's just difficult for me and I don't feel comfortable doing it, but in a recent Spirit-filled moment I penned a few lines. I was just trying to pour some of my heart out onto the paper, so for me, this was exciting. For my readers, I apologize in advance. But here goes:

O God, You are my God
And I will not serve another.
O God, in You I put my trust,
I will not serve another.

I will not bow down before a piece of wood
Or a carved image,
Or an idea,
Or a man,

I will not place my hope in the future,
Or progress,
Or an idea,
Or a man.

I will look to the only One who can and
will save me from death:
And to Him I write
To Him I live
To Him I run

And I will remember - always -
the nails that bore my sins
and pained my God instead of me
The greatest mystery: this unmerited exchange
So that God might live inside of me.